Annual Provincial Assembly of The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of
Royal Ark Mariners of West Lancashire
The Savoy Hotel, Queen’s Promenade, Blackpool. FY2 9SJ
Tuesday, 19th September 2023 at 11am
It soon comes round every year and just shows how quickly time passes, or it could be that I am just getting older. Either way it is a special meeting which we always look forward to. Today’s weather report in Urmston, overcast, slight breeze but not raining as yet, the radio is reporting major problems on the M62 near to the Salford and M60 junction causing some tailbacks, now were they kidding or what! As the problems were for traffic heading South, I just thought ok I’ll continue as usual, climbed up the M60 on ramp and as last week not much traffic which was strange, jumped to the outside lane, made my way past the M62 where I could see lots of standing traffic.
Joined the M61 with my fingers crossed and it seemed fine, well that is on my side, the traffic heading for Manchester was stopped in all three lanes and went from virtually the Trafford Centre to Bolton Football ground, 14 Miles, yes 14 miles.
By some miracle made it in good time to Blackpool on trying to get out of the car I was reminded of the famous words in the Movie, Die Hard when the hero was climbing through an air shaft and he said, “Ah come down to coast, have a few beers, have a few laughs” not today, it seemed like we were caught up in a hurricane, had to force the door open before I just managed to stop myself being blown of my feet in the wind and torrential rain. I was told that one visitor actually had his door completely blown back against the car body.
Made it to the comfort of the Savoy Hotel, which was just across the road, it was so pleasing to be out of the terrible weather into the luxurious, warm surroundings and welcomed by all the friendly faces. The room used for the Assembly was set up in fine style, our Provincial DC Arthur Robinson was already overseeing the proceedings to make sure everything runs like clockwork.
Opened on time we remembered those who have passed during the past year, the minutes were approved, the Grand Scribes report was given followed by the R.W. PGM Keith Alan Beardmore giving us a report on how the West Lancs Royal Ark Mariner Degree has been doing during the past twelve months. A highlight followed for the members present who were receiving Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Ranks and next a Lecture was given by four members from Morecambe Lodge No.716 describing the Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board, which most present have never seen before, it received loud acclaim and thanks from our PGM. On closing everyone joined in singing a resounding verse of the National Anthem and that was it for another year.
Everyone made their way to the sumptuous dining room for the Festive Board, lots of friendly chat and laughter around the bar and once glasses were charged took up their allotted seats for what was an excellent meal served by the first-class friendly hotel staff. The usual Toasts were given including a special one from our PGM in welcoming the RW. Bro. Barry Kirkbride the PGM from Cumberland and Westmorland along with two other distinguished guests accompanying him to our Assembly.
As I always say it was all over too soon, everyone was saying their goodbyes and giving the genuine handshakes of friendship that we share before stepping out into a beautiful sun lit afternoon (not), it was still blowing a gale and pouring down but I’m sure we all had a warm glow inside, here’s to the next Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Meetings.
It continued pouring down all the way back to Urmston until we reached the bridge with the Bus Stop on, (I’ll tell you about that another time) when it suddenly stopped, I always know that I haven’t got far to go when I reach that bridge, how they ever built it there I do not know.
If there are any Mark Masons in your Lodge who are not yet a member of our colourful Royal Ark Mariners perhaps a whisper in their ear might spur them on to join us, Take Care Out There and if you’ve not heard from someone in your Lodge for some time why not give them a call, I’m sure it will brighten their day.
The Magic of the Mark
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGJD. Mark Well